Are people still investing in timeshare and vacation clubs?
This is a common question I get asked about timeshare and vacation clubs, particularly among my friends. Many people who don’t take regular vacations seem to think that timeshare and vacation clubs are a thing of the past, some redundant scam of the 80s and 90s. The truth is that people are still investing in timeshare and vacation clubs, and for good reasons.
Timeshare and Vacation Clubs Have Evolved
One of the main reasons that timeshare and vacation clubs are as popular as ever is that they have evolved and developed to match the vacation lifestyle of the modern family and retired vacationer. To suit the flexibility that most vacationers are looking for, combined with the option to visit more than one location, timeshare and vacation clubs have developed various schemes to ensure that flexibly, quality and excellence remain at the heart of the contemporary timeshare model.
Thus, you will find that most timeshare and vacation clubs manage points based memberships or flexible discounts so that members can make the most of their investments and stay at quality resorts in the best locations according to their specific and changing vacation needs.
Regular Travel at Affordable Prices
One of the benefits of timeshare and vacation clubs that will never go out of fashion is the value for money that most genuine timeshare companies offer. Regulations and greater consumer protection laws has meant that there are very few timeshare scams to relieve unsuspecting investors of their money.
Timeshare with a legitimate vacation club means that you will enjoy regular vacations at lower prices than you would otherwise get by reserving hotel rooms in a similarly rated hotel. In fact, one of the most popular areas of growth in the timeshare industry is not among cheap timeshare weeks but at luxury resorts where members enjoy the very best in five star accommodations and services for less.
Great Quality Accommodations
As touched upon in the previous points, the quality of accommodations that you will enjoy when you purchase a timeshare or vacation club membership from a reputable company, are much higher than you might otherwise be able to afford. In general, timeshare and vacation club accommodations are larger in size, usually with the option of choosing a unit with kitchen facilities.
A Sense of Belonging
And finally, as human beings, feeling like we belong is a key component of our enjoyment. Buying a timeshare or joining a vacation club give us that sense of becoming part of something that is worth it. The best timeshare companies are those where members truly feel like they are part of something amazing, companies where members attend the annual meetings and read their monthly newsletters. The beauty of a great vacation club is that you form an integral part of its growth and development.
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